Brachycephalic Syndrome more common than we think, helping them, is more easy than we think.
MVZ. Ernesto Ávila Escalera, Director de la Clínica Veterinaria del Bosque
The term brachycephaly means "short-headedness" and describes the broad but very short facial skull of these breeds.
Brachycephaly is a skull abnormality that occurs in certain dog and cat breeds such as Pugs, French and English Bulldogs or Persian Cats and Exotic Shorthair. Brachycephaly is caused by genetic predisposition and is the result of selective breeding, where dogs with this skull structure are favored to maintain a characteristic appearance of the breed. The mechanism that leads to brachycephaly is the result of shortened prenatal development of the facial and cranial bones. The dog's face appears flat and compressed. However, the shortening of the bone structure is not accompanied by the reduction of the soft structures and can thus lead to respiratory and digestive problems that can be life-threatening.
Too narrow noses, too short throats
In brachycephalic breeds, the soft palate thickens, closes the pharynx and protrudes beyond the glottis. The airways are blocked to a greater or lesser extent.
Another problem is that the turbinates lack rigidity, they collapse medially and the inner nasal passages are narrowed. This leads to partial obstruction and prevents air from entering.
As dogs are generally unable to sweat, breathing is not only used to supply air, but also to regulate body temperature. They can only cool themselves through increased respiration, i.e. panting. This cooling mechanism is limited in brachycephalic breeds.
Surgery can help to widen the upper airways. It can improve the quality of life and counteracts secondary problems such as collapse of the larynx and trachea.
During and after the surgical procedure, laser treatment can minimize complications, contribute to faster and more complete healing and improve breathing.
During surgery
The use of the blue wavelength of 470 nm effectively fights infections with its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.
Post Surgery
Once the surgery is complete and until healing is complete, wounds and incisions are treated to prevent inflammation and allow swelling to subside quickly. The tissue heals more completely overall.
Continuum of Care™
Vet prescribed home rentals provide continuity of laser treatments for
faster, more complete healing and
improved outcomes. My Pet Laser for stress free compliance
and client convenience.
What are the benefits of blue light ?
Anti-microbial (MRSA) and anti-inflammatory effects in the healing process.
No potential tissue damage, contrary to UV light.
Prevents overshooting epidermization in premature healing stages acc. to EC studies.
Independent studies show blue light kills by oxidative stress even resistant bacteria.
Multi Radiance pioneered integrating blue light for infection management since 2015.
What convinced Dr. Ernesto Ávila Escalera
„Unsere Klinik bietet ein breites Spektrum von Behandlungen für Kleintiere an und ist auf Korrekturen der Nase und des brachyzephalen Syndroms spezialisiert. Wir sind stolz darauf, die neuesten technologischen Fortschritte und Verfahren zu übernehmen, sobald veröffentlichte Nachweise und klinische Studien zur Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit vorliegen. Wir setzen den ACTIVet PRO Laser routinemässig bei Operationen ein. Die blaue Wellenlänge wird gegen Infektionen eingesetzt, die kombinierten Wellenlängen wirken nach der Operation entzündungshemmend und beschleunigen die Heilung. Die Multi Radiance Laser sind sicher und einfach in der Anwendung. Wir können die Laser sehr empfehlen.“
Dr. Ernesto Ávila Escalera Director of the Clínica Veterinaria del Bosque in Mexico City.
Dr. Ernesto Ávila Escalera tells how and why to use laser light during and after surgeries…Turn on the subtitles to get all the information.
Assessment of wound area reduction on chronic wounds
Assessment of wound area reduction on chronic wounds in dogs with photobiomodulation therapy: A randomized controlled clinical trial. By Somphong Hoisang, Naruepon Kampa, Suvaluk Seesupa and Supranee Jitpean.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the current study, using either 830 nm PBMT or simultaneous SPMW-PBMT can accelerate the chronic wound healing process in dogs with a significant reduction in wound area. Therefore, it can be used as an adjunctive therapy to improve wound healing in dogs with reduced treatment duration.
In vitro bactericidal activity of blue light (465 nm) phototherapy on meticillin-susceptible and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. By Amy H. Schnedeker, Lynette K. Cole, Gwendolen Lorch, Sandra F. Diaz, John Bonagura and Joshua B. Daniels.
Conclusions – Blue light phototherapy significantly reduced CC of MRSA, but not of MSSP or MRSP. The mechanism for the relative photosensitivity of the MRSA isolate is unknown, but is hypothesized to be due to an increased concentration of porphyrin in S. aureus relative to S. pseudintermedius , which would modulate blue
light absorption.
A compendium of research from Multi Radiance Medical.
This book presents a collection of summaries of scientific papers on safety and effectiveness of Multi Radiance Medical’s (MRM) Super Pulsed Laser Therapy in different fields of application. The papers report the outcomes of research coordinated by MRM’s Research Division and carried out in numerous clinical and research centers, both public and private.
The Veterinary Pillars Paper
Validating Multi Radiance Laser Technology Exposing the Facts and Fallacies of Class IV Laser Therapy Authors: Jennifer Kasten, DVM Douglas Johnson, ATC, EES, CLS Ernesto Leal-Junior, PhD, PT