HT Vista

In order to rule out cancer safely!

ht-vista untersuchung am hund
With HT Vista® we present the first non-invasive device to support an early screening of lumps and bumps in dogs.
Using powerful Heat Diffusion Imaging (HDI) technology and an Artificial Intelligence algorithm, cancer in subcutaneous and dermal masses can be ruled out in a matter of minutes.
Subclassification of tumors: In cases where HT Vista detects a very low or very high probability of malignancy, benign tumors such as lipomas or malignant tumors such as mast cell tumors can be diagnosed. This avoids unnecessary invasive procedures for lipomas and detects mast cell tumors at an early stage.

Cancer screening with HT Vista®

Cancer is the most common cause of death in dogs.

1/3 of tumors are located on or under the skin. Unfortunately, many lumps or bumps are still not examined in detail today.

Early screening is the most important and effective step in cancer treatment.

do i have cancer

Did you know that...

  • 40% of masses are not even sampled.
  • 20% of cytology samples are non-diagnostic.
  • 30% of dogs have more than one mass.
  • Many samples need external laboratory.
  • More than 80% from 1'000 masses of the study findings with HT Vista were not malignant.
hunde scan mit ht vista

Cancer screening with HT Vista®

HT Vista® is an innovative system that uses a new patented imaging technology and Artificial Intelligence to simplify the early examination of cutaneous and subdermal masses.

With the non-invasive system, more cases can be painlessly screened directly in the veterinary practice to safely rule out cancer on the spot in a few minutes only!

Cancer detection with screening and diagnostic functions.

Advances in artificial intelligence and the steadily growing number of now almost 1,200 validated masses have made it possible to program two new exciting functions:

Cancer Risk Values and Levels: These offer a visual framework to help veterinary teams assess lumps and bumps on the spot, aiding in decision-making by accurately identifying low-risk cases that can be confidently monitored, while guiding next steps for moderate- and high-risk cases.

ht vista the results

Screening results are based on a Sensitivity (Sen) of 90% and a Negative Predictive Value (NPV) of 98%, presented as a Cancer Risk based on malignant probability.

Low risk: Malignant Probability ≤10%

Moderate Cancer Risk- Malignant Probability 11%-49%

High Cancer Risk- Malignant Probability ≥50%

Zum vollständigen Artikel -> HT Vista 4.0: Introducing HT Vista’s New Diagnostic Capability

Advantages of cancer screening with HT Vista


Direct at your point of care

On-site examination by assistants, fast even for secondary findings.


A stress, risk and pain free experience for the patient and owner.



Cost-efficient screening to supplement preventive services.

Analyse Scan

Result in a few minutes

The immediate result makes it easier to take the next steps with the pet owner.

Negativer Vorhersagewert

98% Negative Predictive Value (NPV) in avg.

90% Sensitivity

Einfache Anwendung

Easy to use

Quick to learn and portable system for veterinary staff.

A unique new technology

HT Vista® from HTVet is the first AI-driven non-invasive screening tool that allows veterinarians and nurses to rule out cancer in subcutaneous and dermal masses thanks to powerful Heat Diffusion Imaging (HDI) technology.

This innovative patented imaging modality relies on unique thermal signals that differ between normal and malignant tissues, as they are recorded by the device, during a rapid heating and cooling process.

Using artificial intelligence, the algorithm compares the patient's signal with previously learned signals and calculates the probability of malignancy.

The algorithm is constantly being improved through continuous training and the validated results of almost 1’200 dogs.

On the web page of HTVet you will find the latest international press releases and interviews.

ht vista scan app

Result in few minutes



Examination of masses and registration of the new patient in the system.

Fell scheren

Preparation scan

Trimming of the affected areas using a shaver / clipper.



Scan all affected areas and upload to the HTVet Cloud.

Analyse Scan

Screening and diagnosis

Analysis using artificial intelligence for malignancy and most prevalent tumor types.

Ergebnis Scan

Result in a few minutes

Receipt of the result within a few minutes on the HT Vista system and by mail.

Weitere Behandlung

Next steps

Discussion of the result and further measures with the animal owner.

10 Minuten Diagnose

Result available 5-10 minutes after the scan!


bild schweiz
ht vista system

Development and manufacturing

HT Vista® was developed together with veterinary oncologists and specialists in innovative imaging techniques and artificial intelligence. The algorithms for analyzing cutaneous and subcutaneous masses are continuously trained and developed further.

The system is developed and manufactured according to medical technology guidelines and is approved for veterinary medicine. 

It is imported, controlled and trained by P12 Medical in Switzerland. All regulatory requirements of Switzerland and the EU are fulfilled by the system.